Seniors’ Gentle Stretching Classes (Chair Yoga)

Ray Davis Room, Wells Community Hall 4269 Sanders Ave, Wells, BC, Canada

Beat the winter blahs! Come out to the Ray Davis Room at the Community Hall every Wednesday and Saturday for gentle stretching through chair yoga exercises. Contact Eileen Darling for more information. $5 membership to the Wells Best Seniors Club required. For seniors age 50+.


Wells Volunteer Fire Brigade Practice

Wells Volunteer Fire Brigade Station 2314 Baker St, Wells, BC, Canada

The WVFB is the only fire service in the area and is 100% dependent on volunteers. Everyone is welcome and no one is asked to do more than they are comfortable with. Practices are held every Wednesday from 7pm – 9pm at the Fire Hall. Everyone is welcome — no previous experience necessary. Come out and join […]


Noon Hour Walking Club

Wells Community Hall 4269 Sanders Ave, Wells, BC, Canada

Starting Monday, January 7 the Wells Community Hall will be opened twice a week for everyone interested in participating in an indoor walking circuit – laps around the hall. Doors will be opened by 12:15 for a noon hour walk. If you are interested in participating in an activity, we are going to try and […]


Bingo Night

Ray Davis Room, Wells Community Hall 4269 Sanders Ave, Wells, BC, Canada

Community Bingo hosted by the Wells Best Seniors Association. Great prizes to be won!

Legion Friday Night Social

Royal Canadian Legion Branch #128 3948 Gold Quartz Drive, Wells

Pool, darts, cards, board games, and more! Serving French fries, poutine, spanakopita, pizza, and wingsf or very reasonable prices. Come support your local legion!

Seniors’ Gentle Stretching Classes (Chair Yoga)

Ray Davis Room, Wells Community Hall 4269 Sanders Ave, Wells, BC, Canada

Beat the winter blahs! Come out to the Ray Davis Room at the Community Hall every Wednesday and Saturday for gentle stretching through chair yoga exercises. Contact Eileen Darling for more information. $5 membership to the Wells Best Seniors Club required. For seniors age 50+.


Noon Hour Walking Club

Wells Community Hall 4269 Sanders Ave, Wells, BC, Canada

Starting Monday, January 7 the Wells Community Hall will be opened twice a week for everyone interested in participating in an indoor walking circuit – laps around the hall. Doors will be opened by 12:15 for a noon hour walk. If you are interested in participating in an activity, we are going to try and […]


Drop Deadline for the Gold Rush Trail Sled Dog Envelopes

For the past 26 years, dog teams and dedicated mushers from near and far, who have been sworn in as official mail carriers have carried Canada Post mail in their dog sleds over the Gold Rush Trail to Barkerville. Special Mail Run envelopes are designed each year with artwork by local artists, printed and sold […]

Business Webinar Series

Jack O' Club Restaurant & Pub 12383 Hwy 27 E., Wells, BC, Canada

Held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month (except for January), the District will be hosting Business Webinars at the Jack O Club in the Pub area. The Jack is kindly allowing us use of their internet, screens and sound systems so that we can have a comfortable experience. We encourage you to book your […]


Ali McCormick and Joey Only – Welcome to Cougar Country

National renowned folk singer Ali McCormick is turning 33 and has been living in Wells at working at the hotel. In honour of her 33rd birthday, Ali is going to put on her first public performance in Wells, with opening act Joey only.