All Weekend Long: Visit Historic Barkerville and receive a free admission by showing your Reunion ID. Enjoy 2-for-1 ice cream or coffee at BNC Mercantile with your Reunion ID. Walk along our ever-expanding trail system in the meadows (formerly known as the swamp). Reminisce and explore old (& new) Wells, such as the Wells Museum, […]
Neil Vant guided Wells Town Walking Tour. Meet at Fred Wells Cairn on Pooley Street All Weekend Long: Visit Historic Barkerville and receive a free admission by showing your Reunion ID. Enjoy 2-for-1 ice cream or coffee at BNC Mercantile with your Reunion ID. Walk along our ever-expanding trail system in the meadows (formerly known […]
Reunion group photo at Fred Wells Cairn (WCH main hall in case of bad weather) $15 payable to Grandell Studio. All Weekend Long: Visit Historic Barkerville and receive a free admission by showing your Reunion ID. Enjoy 2-for-1 ice cream or coffee at BNC Mercantile with your Reunion ID. Walk along our ever-expanding trail system […]
Canada’s very first Dominion Day celebration was held in Barkerville as a fervent display of support for Canadian confederation three years before British Columbia joined in 1871. Just past midnight on July 1, 1868, the Dominion of Canada’s first anniversary, Barkerville citizens launched their own version of a 21 gun salute. Cannons were in short […]
All Weekend Long: Visit Historic Barkerville and receive a free admission by showing your Reunion ID. Enjoy 2-for-1 ice cream or coffee at BNC Mercantile with your Reunion ID. Walk along our ever-expanding trail system in the meadows (formerly known as the swamp). Reminisce and explore old (& new) Wells, such as the Wells Museum, […]
Written and performed by Charles Ross The one-man-wunderkind is back! The performer behind the One Man Star Wars Trilogy and One Man Lord of the Rings lends his frenetic character skills to avenge the superhero behemoth you might have heard a little about recently.
Please join us on Tuesday July 2nd, 2019 at the Island Mountain Arts Gallery for our next ArtsWells Festival Community Meeting. We are excited to share with you our updates and news for this years festival since our ArtsWells Festival Community Meeting in April 2019.
Written and performed by Charles Ross The one-man-wunderkind is back! The performer behind the One Man Star Wars Trilogy and One Man Lord of the Rings lends his frenetic character skills to avenge the superhero behemoth you might have heard a little about recently.
The WVFB is the only fire service in the area and is 100% dependent on volunteers. Everyone is welcome and no one is asked to do more than they are comfortable with. Practices are held every Wednesday from 7pm – 9pm at the Fire Hall. Everyone is welcome — no previous experience necessary. Come out and join […]
Written and performed by Charles Ross The one-man-wunderkind is back! The performer behind the One Man Star Wars Trilogy and One Man Lord of the Rings lends his frenetic character skills to avenge the superhero behemoth you might have heard a little about recently.
The Toni Onley Artists' Project is an opportunity for emerging and professional artists to step out of their own studio and into IMA’s shared studio space and work in an experimental, exploratory and risk-taking manner. This is a juried program and artists must apply in order to be considered. A scholarship and bursary program is […]
Join us at the IMA School for an artist talk with Diana Thorneycroft, by donation. Diana Thorneycroft is a Winnipeg artist who has exhibited various bodies of work across Canada, the United States and Europe, as well as in Moscow, Tokyo and Sydney. She is the recipient of numerous awards including the 2016 Manitoba Arts […]
Join us at the IMA School for an artist talk with Peter von Tiesenhausen, by donation. Peter von Tiesenhausen’s multi-media work deals with concepts of time, life, voyage, death, spirit, nature and humanity. His practice has grown from landscape painting to sculpture, performance and complex media installations. These are often an expression of where he […]
This annual fundraiser for St. Saviour's Anglican Church is of extra special significance this year, as 2019 marks the 150th anniversary of the Church's groundbreaking. Please join us for poetry, music, and refreshments from talented members of the local community to celebrate and support this iconic church.
To update the public on: BGM existing mining operation on Bonanza Ledge BGM future plans, including the Cariboo Gold Project, an underground mine near Wells BGM exploration activities in the historic Cariboo mining district Legacy sites under BGM management, including Mosquito Creek\ All members of the public are welcome. Refreshments will be provided.
The WVFB is the only fire service in the area and is 100% dependent on volunteers. Everyone is welcome and no one is asked to do more than they are comfortable with. Practices are held every Wednesday from 7pm – 9pm at the Fire Hall. Everyone is welcome — no previous experience necessary. Come out and join […]
Written and performed by Beverley Elliot Directed by Lynna Goldar Smith Musical Direction by Bill Costin “It's Little House on the Prairie meets Lord of the Flies,” says Elliott, as she trades the safety of the family farm for the thugs of a one-room school. In this poignant, playful, and achingly relatable show, Elliott navigates […]
Participating artists have spent nine days in Wells working in the IMA studios under the mentorship of senior artists. The project is a intensive studio experience - with less structures time set for activities and more space for participants to develop their own work. You have the opportunity to come to the studios for this […]
Written and performed by Beverley Elliot Directed by Lynna Goldar Smith Musical Direction by Bill Costin “It's Little House on the Prairie meets Lord of the Flies,” says Elliott, as she trades the safety of the family farm for the thugs of a one-room school. In this poignant, playful, and achingly relatable show, Elliott navigates […]
Written and performed by Beverley Elliot Directed by Lynna Goldar Smith Musical Direction by Bill Costin “It's Little House on the Prairie meets Lord of the Flies,” says Elliott, as she trades the safety of the family farm for the thugs of a one-room school. In this poignant, playful, and achingly relatable show, Elliott navigates […]
The Wells and Area Community Association (WAACA) would like to invite any interested community members to a general discussion regarding the feasibility of a destination high school in Wells. All are welcome.
District of Wells Council and Committee of the Whole meetings are held at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers, 4243 Sanders Avenue. All are welcome! If you have an item you wish to be discussed by Council, it will need to be submitted by the THURSDAY NOON the week before the meeting in order that it […]
The WVFB is the only fire service in the area and is 100% dependent on volunteers. Everyone is welcome and no one is asked to do more than they are comfortable with. Practices are held every Wednesday from 7pm – 9pm at the Fire Hall. Everyone is welcome — no previous experience necessary. Come out and join […]
George Elliott Clarke will lead writers in exercises to improve creativity and editing skills. He will also ask volunteers to read back to the workshop their exercises and/or works-in-progress, while feeling free to maintain privacy re: any raw work that seems too personal. Electronics are welcome, of course, but Clarke's instruction will be by organic […]
Join us at the IMA Gallery for a Reading with Toronto author Giovanna Riccio. Giovanna Riccio will be reading from her newly published book, Plastic’s Republic, an adventurous poem sequence centering on Barbie, the complex cultural icon and feminist bête-noir powered by plasticity. A graduate in philosophy from the University of Toronto, she is the […]
Island Mountain Arts is excited to announce an exhibition launch on Friday July 19th, 2019 at 7 pm featuring the work of Sarah Zimmerman (affectionately known by many as Saz), titled “The Fish Project”. The exhibition will remain on view through Sunday, August 25th, 2019. Sarah has been painting her entire life. Born and raised […]
Creator and performer Bruce Horak, a legally blind painter, actor and playwright, paints the audience’s portrait live on stage as he explores the facts and fictions surrounding the death of one of Canada’s greatest artists, and shares the unique way he sees the world. “Bold and almost shocking in its originality. I haven quite seen […]
Join us at the IMA School for an artist talk with George Elliott Clarke, by donation. The tiny rural community of Weymouth Falls sits on the banks of the Sissiboo River in a far-flung southwestern corner of Nova Scotia. Best known as the birthplace of world-renowned boxing great Sam Langford, the predominantly African Nova Scotian […]
The Sunset Cabaret is a long-standing tradition at the Sunset Theatre, inspired by the coffee houses of the 1960s and the popular Theatrical Happenings of the 1970s. IMA used to host periodical Coffee Houses, inviting anyone and everyone to participate in an evening of sharing creative stories, songs, poetry, dance, film, whatever was your fancy. […]
The WVFB is the only fire service in the area and is 100% dependent on volunteers. Everyone is welcome and no one is asked to do more than they are comfortable with. Practices are held every Wednesday from 7pm – 9pm at the Fire Hall. Everyone is welcome — no previous experience necessary. Come out and join […]
Whether you’re a small business owner, non-for-profit, local employee, artist, maker, musician or just want to step up your social media game Evie Lavers is excited to share with you some of her favourite helpful hacks for your Facebook & Instagram pages! This event is FREE but registration is required as there is a limited […]
Creator and performer Bruce Horak, a legally blind painter, actor and playwright, paints the audience’s portrait live on stage as he explores the facts and fictions surrounding the death of one of Canada’s greatest artists, and shares the unique way he sees the world. “Bold and almost shocking in its originality. I haven quite seen […]
It's that time of year again, folks! Our friends at the Sunset Theatre and Wells "Hysterical" Society are hosting the Wells Comedy Auction 2019! This year's auction will be old-school circus themed, complete with popcorn and performances between lots! All proceeds will go to the Wells Museum and Historical Society. If you have any donations […]
Tim Vant with Dirk Van Stralen Randal Dirks officiates this memorial set in the holy location known merely as Saint Gunter’s. Join Randall Dirks, Eugene Boyle, Page Gray and a host of other mad-cap characters as they go on a journey examining and remembering Theatre: A Eulogy.
Eye-catching cars will be rolling into town all morning along Sanders Avenue and Pooley Street from 10 am - 1 pm. Awards given for best of each decade (30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, Late Model) and Mayor's Choice. Registration 8 am - 10 am on Pooley Street.
An Intro to Roots Guitar Workshop with Doug Cox (Americana, Country, Blues, Bluegrass and Beyond). Doug Cox will be teaching his 'Intro to Roots Guitar' Class that features loads of fun learning techniques and skills on the acoustic guitar. Topics we will touch on will include; - 5 things you can do with your right […]
This course focuses on both writing and performance aimed at facilitating self-expression through music, song and spoken word poetry. Combining elements of musical theory, improvisation techniques, lyric writing, collaboration with peers and working one-on-one with the instructors, students get and incredibly dynamic and transformational experience. This program is suitable for complete beginners, as well as […]
Registration is now open for ArtsWells pre-festival Songwriting Workshop, we are thrilled to announce our 2019 instructors are Linda McRae and Dan Bern! Join these two critically acclaimed songwriters for a four-day intensive workshop. Participants will spend time defining and examining those “fundamental ingredients’ of a song through performance, discussion and hands-on writing. Participants will […]
Theatre games, explorations in physicality, and improvisation techniques, will bring participants to new approaches in their openness and creativity through humour and playfulness, with a focus on bringing greater humanity and vitality to what they share with an audience. Graceful movement with ostrich plumes, power-dynamics of primate behaviour, spaghetti-legged silly-walks, and practical tricks for transcending […]
At the Special In-Camera Council meeting of Tuesday July 26, 2019, Council resolved to direct staff to hold a Public Consultation for public input of the Wells-Barkerville Community Facility (School Building). This meeting will beheld at 6:00PM on Tuesday July 30, 2019 at the Wells Community Hall. I will also make myself available for anyone who cannot attend the meeting during […]
The WVFB is the only fire service in the area and is 100% dependent on volunteers. Everyone is welcome and no one is asked to do more than they are comfortable with. Practices are held every Wednesday from 7pm – 9pm at the Fire Hall. Everyone is welcome — no previous experience necessary. Come out and join […]
Join us at the historic Sunset Theatre for this special concert given by critically acclaimed performers who are also teaching workshops in the lead up to ArtsWells Festival 2019! They are: Al Simmons | Dan Bern | Corwin Fox Music | Doug Cox | Kia Kadiri | Linda McRae | Maiya Robbie | Peter Paul […]
Written by Emma Jarrett Direction and dramaturgy by Danette Boucher After a development phase in 2018-19 (working title: Breastless), Emma Jarrett’s one-woman play is a sometimes humorous, often thoughtful and quizzical rollercoaster ride of emotion, and an honest portrayal of being at the mercy of modern medicine, saved by the care of other practitioners and buoyed […]
The Cariboo’s largest celebration of music and art, ArtsWells Festival, is back for its 16th season in the colourful community of Wells and the historic goldrush town of Barkerville, BC from August 2 – 5, 2019. 1st Release tickets are now available, don’t miss your chance to be part of the magic for this special […]