The Treeplanters Ball

Wells Community Hall 4269 Sanders Ave, Wells, BC, Canada

This event is supporting the recently named Wells Destination Highschool Society, which is hosting a fundraiser all day on June 24th. The Treeplanter’s Ball is an opportunity to dance away […]


Trivia Night: the Wells of Knowledge

The Wells Hotel 2341 Pooley St., Wells, BC, Canada

Join us for weekly trivia hosted by local writer, actor, and generally entertaining guy, Ryan Schmitt.


Wells-Barkerville Elementary School End of Year Concert

Wells-Barkerville Community School Wells, BC, Canada

Please join us for our End of Year Concert and Celebration! Our students will be performing songs as a class as well as songs that they have written. Accompaniment by […]


Trivia Night: the Wells of Knowledge

The Wells Hotel 2341 Pooley St., Wells, BC, Canada

Join us for weekly trivia hosted by local writer, actor, and generally entertaining guy, Ryan Schmitt.


In-Person Open House Cariboo Gold Project

Wells Community Hall 4269 Sanders Ave, Wells, BC, Canada

Osisko Development Corp. is proposing the Cariboo Gold project, an underground mine project near Wells, BC. The EAP is holding a public comment period on the draft materials to be […]

Painting on Assemblage with Stefanie Denz

Island Mountain Arts Studios Mildred Ave, Wells

Location: Wells-Barkerville School, Outdoors if fair-weather, 2nd-floor studios if foul weather. Cost: $90.00 + GST Early Bird to July 8th, $120.00 + GST Regular Scholarships and Discounts for IMA members […]


Trivia Night: the Wells of Knowledge

The Wells Hotel 2341 Pooley St., Wells, BC, Canada

Join us for weekly trivia hosted by local writer, actor, and generally entertaining guy, Ryan Schmitt.
