Artist Talk with Peter von Tiesenhausen

Island Mountain Arts Studios Mildred Ave, Wells

Join us at the IMA School for an artist talk with Peter von Tiesenhausen, by donation. Peter von Tiesenhausen’s multi-media work deals with concepts of time, life, voyage, death, spirit, […]


St. Saviour’s Church Institute Night and 150th Anniversary

Barkerville Historic Town & Park 14301 Hwy 26 E., Barkerville, BC, Canada

This annual fundraiser for St. Saviour's Anglican Church is of extra special significance this year, as 2019 marks the 150th anniversary of the Church's groundbreaking. Please join us for poetry, […]

St. Saviour’s Church Institute Night

St. Saviour's Church, Barkerville Barkerville

An enduring tradition of song, music, laughter and talent sharing from the people of Barkerville and beyond. Light reception to follow. Donations graciously accepted.

BGM Community Information Meeting

Wells Community Hall 4269 Sanders Ave, Wells, BC, Canada

To update the public on: BGM existing mining operation on Bonanza Ledge BGM future plans, including the Cariboo Gold Project, an underground mine near Wells BGM exploration activities in the […]

Event Series Sink or Swim

Sink or Swim

Sunset Theatre 2357 Pooley St., Wells, BC, Canada

Written and performed by Beverley Elliot Directed by Lynna Goldar Smith Musical Direction by Bill Costin “It's Little House on the Prairie meets Lord of the Flies,” says Elliott, as […]

TOAP Open House

Island Mountain Arts Studios Mildred Ave, Wells

Participating artists have spent nine days in Wells working in the IMA studios under the mentorship of senior artists. The project is a intensive studio experience - with less structures […]
